19/02/2022- SCHOOL INDUCTION PROGRAM DAY 3- Exploring the school


Third day of the school induction program @ SCV, we planned to take a look at the whole school. We explored the rest of the classes which isn't open now (LP, UP) & the surroundings, then the labs.

All those areas were as perfect as spotless. There ain't a single flaw we can find..everything was like perfectly aligned in every way. The surroundings were all clean and clear..thanks to the cleaning staff there. They are working really hard there. We also found some time to spend with those aunties for some small talks. They were all 13 staffs working there for cleaning and all. They keep the school & its premises spotless. We visited the LP & UP sections. Even though it's not open for the children for the time being, those aunties clean all of them everyday. The classes for the little ones are all brightly coloured with many sorts of animated characters pictures drawn on the walls..which was soo beautiful that we wished only if we could become kids once again to spend in such classrooms. Yes.. we miss our innocent childhood๐Ÿ˜‘๐Ÿ˜ข (Time really did flew!)

The school has a small garden on the frontyard which is consisting of several ornamental plants like rose, canna, gymnosperms etc and the backyard which has limited spaces also were narrowly lined by plants like blue twilight, neem, scramberry, guava etc.  The ground were big enough for a whole section of class to play. The one thing that caught my attention was the positioning of drinking water pipes at several places, especially at the side of the ground and park areas were the price of water becomes really high for students..I appreciate that thought! The washing facilities was quite big too and with a handwash liquid bottle plus wastebins too!

There was a huge Bio-Incinerator at the backyard.. 

Then we visited the labs- physics, chemistry, maths, geography, IT, & biology labs and audiovisual room. The labs are all situated at the topmost floor except chemistry lab and they were all properly ventilated plus proper water facilities and seatings for many. Sir showed us a marvelous work done by the students there, which was a walking stick having robotic detectors that can be of great help for the blind to sense the obstacles.. which was a sight!❤. The teacher used to visit the school according to the time advised by the school authorities and guide the students. We took many photos and interacted with lab attendances.

Let me conclude this by posting a picture of a well which was camouflaged with an artistry outlook @ SCV.. (why because..it was situated at the children's park there✌)



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