Week 8 @ SV

 The last week at Sarvodaya Vidyala. On 8th of August, I took 'Double Circulation' at 9A. The learning strategy used were ICT-Activity integrated method. Students had a little difficulty in the topic, but soon I was able to get them on track. 

On 10th of August, I took 'To Control Pests', 'Waste Management & Sustainable Development' on 8A. Here too I used ICT effectively to deliver the content. On the topic 'to control pest and use of chemcal pesticides' I used the tragic event of Endosulfan disaster happened at Kasargod as an evidence and used sone conscientization points too. It was effective since students never forget the points they studied when taught with an example of real life incident. In between this week I was able to conduct a small test on these students. 

In between this week there held Onam Celebration for the Kindergarten session and we were also invited to watch their program. We found some time to watch their events. It was entertaining.

Our internship came to an end on 11th of August. It was a bag of experiences and memories relavant for out future. We visited our consent teachers and all the staff members who guided and helped us through this intenship phase. We collected our feedback form and visited the Principal of the school, Prof. Dr. Sheryl Stewart. She gave some advices on how we can empower ourself academically and also in life. It was good having a talk with her and then we bid our farewell to the school and we were grateful for all the experiences and guidance we were provided.


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